Every session is prepared and given with the greatest of care. Though healing is a process, you’ll notice deep and lasting results that will only get better in the coming days or weeks after you have experienced Pranic Healing.
During the session you will set aside about an hour without disruptions so you can enjoy and fully experience the session. Chronic conditions or long term situations may require several session. Ask about our healing packages.
To schedule your appointment contact us at (561) 483-5952 or at
info@centerforpranichealing.com or book here online

Angela is an experienced Certified Pranic Healing Instructor and a Certified Pranic Psychotherapist. For more info
www.AngelaBarrios-Cohen.com or
Click this link below to book your online session with Angela.

Rosa is an experienced Certified Pranic Healing Instructor and Certified Pranic Psychotherapist.
Book your session with Rosa via zoom or in-person at the Center in Boca Raton FL.
To book a session in-person please call
(561)483-5952 or email at
Pranic Healing had help me to become a better person, my family health has improved, as well as our relationships and our financials and most of all our spiritual grow, the teachings are priceless, the knowledge that I get in each class and applying in the daily life makes my life easier. There are not words of how to say THANK YOU! ~
Pranic Healing helped me to heal a chronic sinus & lower respiratory issue whereas months of antibiotics,steroids and inhalers were only able to control it. So I recommend Pranic Healing for everyone.
La experiencia que he tenido con la Sanacion Pranica ha sido excelent. Sufria de insomio y dolores en diferente partes del cuerpo. En un mes, durante el cual me han dado Sanacion Pranica, el insomio se me ha quitado y los dolores se han minimizado y mi energia se ha superado.
I was in Pranic Healing when my husband got sick. They helped him to be release of his past and to make peace with it.
Helped me to understand what was happening and to let him go. He left when I was lying down in a table at the Pranic Healing Center, because I finally understood that he wanted to go. After he died, Pranic Healing was my family and my support system. I now understand death in a different way and I am happy for Gary (my husband) and I know that he is still with me. To me, Pranic Healing is my family, my support system and the place where I can grow, help others and get close to God.
I started Pranic healing in 2006 while going through health difficulties. It made a huge difference in my life. It not only helped me heal, but it thought me valuable skills that to this day I still apply to my daily life. Pranic Healing has helped me and those around me live a more fulfilling life. I was also taught techniques on how to help others in need of help and how to grow as a person in all aspects of life. Also, Pranic Healing has open doors in my life that have brought me happiness and love. I am truly a different person today than I was before Pranic Healing. I am healthier, happier, peaceful and more prosperous thanks to the teachings of Pranic Healing. ~
The MCKS Arhatic Yoga has given me the opportunity and inspiration to initiate my path as a MCKS disciple. This is the best opportunity to continue learning and growing spiritually. The workshop also has helped me to understand and experience the power of inner purification becoming a better instrument of healing. This class is the best place to find inspiration to serve better, to get inner transformation, and to aspire to become a better person.
"Mi nombre es Claudia Garcia. La primera vez que tuve contacto con Pranic Healing fue hace casi 4 años. Yo sufría constantemente de migrañas muy fuertes, tengo 2 hijos pequeños y esos constantes dolores de cabeza estaban afectando demasiado mi vida familiar. Desde la primera sesión de sanación sentí una gran diferencia, después de unas cuantas sesiones el dolor de cabeza había desaparecido, y gracias a Dios, ese fue el último episodio de migrañas en mi vida. A nivel personal, Pranic Healing ha cambiado mi vida, es otra forma de ver la vida. Para mí se ha convertido en una filosofía de vida. Hoy en día soy mucho más consciente del daño que a veces sin querer me puedo hacer a mí misma con cosas tan simples como una alimentación no adecuada, falta de sueño o pensamientos negativos. He aprendido con ejercicios y practicas sencillas a manejar el stress del día a día generado por el mundo afanado en el que vivimos, soy consciente de mis pensamientos y procuro mantener pensamientos positivos que me ayuden a lograr todas las metas que me propongo y a recibir todas las bendiciones que Dios y el universo me tienen reservadas. He sido testigo de muchas sanaciones y me apasiona ver los cambios que sanación pránica puede brindar a todos nosotros."